20% Discount From Ashgate for Readers of Gender and Work in Early Modern Europe

AshgateImageThere are now over 100 titles in Ashgate’s Women and Gender in the Early Modern World series. To celebrate, Ashgate are generously offering readers of Gender and Work in Early Modern Europe a 20% discount on all books in the series (discount code below). In return, we’d appreciate it if you subscribed to the blog.

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A Transatlantic Gap

A gap the size of the Atlantic Ocean divides the literature on early modern women and work. On the one side, scholars of European women are increasingly engaged in the debates on industrialization and economic development, focusing on the role of women’s work in the economic changes leading up to the Industrial Revolution. On the other side of the ocean, scholars of women in the Americas, deeply engaged with the scholarship on race and imperialism, are fine-tuning their understanding of the impact of slave economies mostly on non-white women outside of Europe. With very different historiographic trajectories, these two groups of scholars rarely find common intellectual ground. The dramatic difference in approach was particularly evident to me, a scholar of the Iberian Atlantic, when I attended the conference on women and work in Glasgow in September 2014. I was astonished to listen to scholar after scholar discuss women’s work in early modern Europe without reference to early modern imperial expansion and/or transatlantic slavery. Continue reading “A Transatlantic Gap”

New proposals wanted for Ashgate series Women and Gender in the Early Modern World

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New proposals are welcomed for both single-author volumes and edited collections for the Ashgate series Women and Gender in the Early Modern World. For over a decade the series has published innovative research on all aspects of the field. The series includes titles on the family, on education, poor relief and religion, on lactation, menstruation and procreation, on Queenship, the book trade and on Ottoman women builders -to name but a few. Readers of this blog will no doubt be familiar with the excellent volume The Marital Economy in Scandinavia and Britain 1400-1900 edited by Maria Ågren and Amy Louise Erickson.

Proposals are sought for research which expands this evolving field and challenges current scholarship on the early modern period. Interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary in scope, the series strives to reach beyond geographical limitations to explore the experiences of early modern women and the nature of gender in Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa

Information on the series, including a list of titles, can be found here. Anyone wishing to submit a proposal should contact Erika Gaffney at Ashgate at egaffney@ashgate.com.